Aristotle and Dead Poet's Society

Too often we are caught up. But in what exactly? My recent studies have led me to read about Aristotle and Stoicism (I will write about this another day). Aristotle's quote really struck me.

“Man is by nature a social animal; 
an individual who is unsocial naturally and 
not accidentally is either beneath our notice or more than human. 
Society is something that precedes the individual. 
Anyone who either cannot lead the common life or 
is so self-sufficient as not to need to, 
and therefore does not partake of society, 
is either a beast or a god. ” 

- Aristotle, Politics

In simple English, the quote basically tells us that human beings come as a whole. No doubt we are animals (by we, I mean humans). But we are social animals and thus, live together as a pack. However, if you are a person that either cannot stand being a part of the pack, or chooses not to, then you are either more than a human (a God) or less than a human (a beast). 

To me, this line really struck me. If you think of it as a whole, this makes sense doesn't it? Our need to feel accepted by people. The fact that we strive to conform. At one point, it is being understanding and compromising, but where is the line? At what point does compromising becomes conforming?

Another movie that struck me was 'Dead Poet's Society' and boy, I've been meaning to watch that movie but I was so caught up with life that I almost forgot my own principle, that Art is essential to my soul.

"We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. 
We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. 
And the human race is filled with passion. 
And medicine, law, business, engineering, 
these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. 
But poetry, beauty, romance, love, 
these are what we stay alive for."
- John Keating, Dead Poet's Society

Anyway, no spoilers here but this movie really reminded me to what extent I should conform to society? To what extent should I let myself be devoured of emotions? Of passion?

You may be wondering how Aristotle's quote  and how the movie has even any link but let me say this.

I agree with Aristotle that we are social beings and that is why we conform to the rules of society. But are all rules good? How do we know if the law is correct? Do you know if the life that you are living is the one that you should be living?

Dead Poet's Society ("DPS") reminded me to let myself be passionate about things. It shouldn't just be about achievements or the money. It is about the things that make you happy. Like Keating said, the Law itself is a noble pursuit but to what extent should I let it control me? I should be controlling my life and not the other way around.

Money, fame and status should not be what determines who I am.
It is the emotions, the passion I feel within.
These are what will define me,
And hopefully, through these, 
Though I may find sorrow and anger,
That I ultimately gain happiness.


Tasha Lim


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