Turning 20

No, I don't mean my own birthday. Mine has yet to come!
But most of the people I know, my closest friends all have their birthdays before June and I have no idea why. Can't blame them now can I? ;)

(I couldn't help myself)

BUT, to a more serious topic.
This post is about. feeling old. and the changes that are heading my way.
20 years old is a big thing.
It means you've lived for 2 decades.
I mean, when you say 20 years old. You can just shrug it off but change it to TWO DECADES and it sounds like a huge thing.

For the past 20 years of your life, what's the most memorable moment you can think of?
What have you done for the past 20 years? Are you proud of what you've achieved so far?
I mean, people keep saying "Just live in the moment" and I agree with that but to what extent should we live in the moment? The seconds, minutes, hours and days pass by faster as you grow older. 
Do you really want to live in the moment and look back later on to realize that you haven't done a thing worth being proud of?

Each of us however, have our own versions of proud.
It's like how girls have their own versions of FATS.
But you should take her advice:

For some of us, the pride comes in the experience; some say its counted with money while others find satisfaction in their own way.
It is generally impossible to live without regrets because we all have something we regret on - a friend/family we've lost; things we wish we never lost/said; people we wish we never hurt/met. So yes, all of us have regrets but the important thing is to NOT sit on the regrets. Instead, cherish the memories - that's all I can say.

On my part, when I look back at how my life has been for the past 20 years.. Things have really changed. Some for the better; some for the worst! But nevertheless, changes that have shaped me into who I am today.
I remember whining about violin lessons when I was a child. I refused to practice and was always the grumpy kid haha but now, I look back and feel so thankful for my parents - pushing me and encouraging me to take on music.
Then I look back at times in my primary and high school life and all I can say is that I met the greatest people there. Teachers who actually showed concern in my studies especially my mandarin teachers and also, friends, who have stuck by my side all this time. I always post pictures with those girls <3 I wasn't the nicest or kindest kid in primary - I was the cheekiest and one of those bad-ass kids instead. It's funny when I meet people I knew from that time of my life telling me how different I am today and we laugh about the things we remember of that time. Gosh. Then you realize you're like your mother when she meets her old friends ;)

At some point though, life did change for me and I started to realize how serious life actually was. I guess that's when I started taking studies seriously. At times, I've started making serious decisions and it always get confusing at some point :o

Like right now, I am superbly worried about University.

3 months ago, I was dying to get into University but right now, I'm worried. I'm worried about the friends that I might lose. People that will say "Don't worry, I'll never forget you. We'll keep in touch." but the relationships, due to circumstances will change. It's something I'm not looking forward to.
Previously, I was so ready to leave my home, get ready for the next big thing in my life. I guess it just didn't hit me that that meant leaving a lot of people I love too. So I guess, I am afraid. 
All these kind of hit me when I realized that another person I loved was going to study somewhere totally different from me and it sucks because that person is someone I cherish a lot.
Sigh, changes are bound to happen right? 20 years old and I still hold on to memories & feelings. Can anyone be truly ready for the changes that are bound to strike you as you grow older? I doubt it.

But anyway, my point is, I hope that all of us have something to be proud of as we look back.
2 decades lived and it feels like it's not enough for me.
I want to live longer and travel the world.
Meet all kinds of people and make friends from all around the world.
Publish a book. Release a song. Sing on the radio.

At the same time, I want to keep in touch with everyone I know and love.
To see our friendships last till the very end.
I don't have to worry about family because blood is thicker than water and I love them to bits :)
The friends that I truly love and care for, those I worry :/

Haha I don't know.
Life is funny :)

Tasha G Lim


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