Things Just Happen and It's called Life

No matter how much I try to be optimistic about certain things, - I think it's high time I admit that there are some things, no matter how hard I try, will never turn out right.

Not because I didn't put in enough effort or what not.
It's because it wasn't right in the first place.

Take for example, if my feet's a size 5/6 and I buy a size 4, no matter how I try, it just won't fit!
Even if it does, it hurts and you'll end up hurting yourself, more than what you bargained for.
Is the pain worth it?

Get me?

There are quite a number of things that I know I am bad at and will never be good at. A good and safe example would be my clumsiness. I am a whole new level when it comes to clumsiness. It's not about making mistakes in work or stuff, but more like, physically holding things. I constantly drop things. Somehow. Just, somehow.

On a more serious note, the same concept goes to people. You can try to make friends and be friends with everyone in the world but they might not feel the same way and might not want to be friends as much as you want to be friends with them. Same thing and so on.

As we grow older, reality starts to hit us real hard.
Suddenly, life just doesn't seem that great anymore because what is there to look forward to?
Bills, debts, the economy going down, my pocket money maintains while the prices go up and so on.
There seems to be more burdens than joy as you grow older.

I won't tell you this will all go away, because they won't!
But, you can change this.

Simply, by planning your life out. I think planning is a pretty essential part of growing up. It's not just the short-term decisions or the decisions about lunch and so on, but all kinds of decisions. Every decision that we make in life, changes the outcome or the course of our path.  Every small right or left turn will lead you to a different path.

Life doesn't get easier.
The crappiest of things do happen.
Your friends will leave you, or you might even leave them.
Your family members might leave you or even pass away.
You become more in tune with yourself and people call you selfish or other horrible names.
But you know what, it doesn't matter what they say.
What matters is how YOU see life.

You can cry, You can mourn, You can even get angry.
But you stand back up and continue walking;
You brush off the dust and look back ahead;
You stand tall and continue your journey.

We don't keep everyone we meet and we don't remember every lesson we learn.
Sometimes in life, we have more hurricanes and thunderstorms than sunny days.

But that's okay.
Things Just Happen and It's really, just called Life.

You may not avoid some things but you can, control how you look at life and how it affects you.

At the end of the day,
you're the only one that you can truly rely on because you're the one controlling your own life.
You, and not anyone else.

If you need alone time, go.
If you need to cry, cry.
If you can't stand their mocking attitude, walk away or tell them.

Don't suffer trying to be someone else.
Don't feel down for trying to be who you are.
Ask yourself,
Is it worth squeezing into a size 4 shoe when you really are a size 5/6?

Yours truly,
Tasha Lim


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