Conversations with someone New

If everyone thought like that, we'd be in a world full of egoistical people.
Be the person that makes the first move. 
You lose nothing :)

Of course, if you have done so countless times, and that person hasn't bothered to do anything to initiate a conversation, then I guess you'd better back off and make conversations with someone else.
The advancement of technology has launched us into a new era whereby we'd rather post on Facebook or Instagram then talk to people about our feelings, we'd actually tweet more than we talk!
Sure I'm glad and grateful for technology but please, get out there and make some real new friends, and not Facebook friends.

So, here are some ways to start a conversation with someone new:

If you don't smile, people are going that you're hard to approach. Especially if you have resting bitch face. That doesn't help your case. So smile all the time. Besides, it's said to help you stay young :D

I'm pretty sure when you're with that new person, you could start up the conversation with something they're reading, or working on. If it's a place, ask them how they like it; If you're both having coffee, talk about coffee. There must be something that links the two of you.

Silence is NOT awkward. It only is until someone says so. 
So just be you, and be nice. Don't fake yourself for someone to like you. It'll be tiring on you to keep that image up when all you want or should need is for someone to like you the way you are.

Don't be such a stiff. Joke around and take things lightly. If they're rude, just smile it off and walk away. Always be the bigger person.

5. Don't judge
It shows in the way you respond to their comments. Everyone has their own personality so if they come off a little odd, and you're uncomfortable, just walk away. Or if you're feeling adventurous, give it a go. Maybe you're just as weird *HAHA

6. Listen
Don't just talk about yourself. Conversations are about an exchange of emotions or stories. You hear some, you listen to some. So, listen, we have two ears anyway, and not two mouths ;)

While I believe and agree with the quote below, I hope that all of you take an initiative to talk to real people outside your comfort zone and not just yourself, or through your gadgets.
Get out there!

That's all from me for now :3


Tasha G Lim


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