
So, things don't always turn out as you hope it would be. But what gives?
You still try, don't you?

I'm a daughter of a Chinese family, granted, I have a little bit of Thai blood. But nevertheless, I was brought up with the mindset of a typical Chinese family. Be grateful, be humble, be a hard worker. And so on. The importance of education! I bet this is a familiar one to all :)

But nevertheless, I was taught to never give up.
I'm not sure where I got this idea from though, this.. mentality.
'Never give up!' or 'Never say never!'
Stuff as such, seemed to have been etched in my head for some time now. I cannot pinpoint the roots of this mentality but I think they seem to come from cartoons as well.
I'm a Disney lover. Well, the old Disney. I have nothing against the new cartoons but the cartoons in the past definitely had more meaning to them. My favorite? MULAN.
Well, that's a simple take isn't it? She showed me that women could do what men could too. We are far from gender equality but she was my mentor. My guide. My family has its fair share of strong women too, so I take after them ;)

As we grow older, we forget. We forget all sorts of things. The mentality of never giving up, is locked away because we are afraid. After one too many tries of believing, of trying, we become afraid of what happens.
What happens if after trying so hard, I still fail?
Worse still, I've failed after giving it my all. What do I do then?

I can't say there's a guaranteed solution to this matter. I have my fair share of things that I want to give up on. People too. But in the end, it boils down to you.
By all means, be mad! Go ahead and rant and cry and drink your sorrow away!
But after a day or two, get back on your two feet and start over again.
When people tell you that it's not good to be sad, or cheer up, that's bullshit. You're human too.
So be mad, be angry and have emotions. Cry and be down.
Cry and drink. It's actually a bad combo. You look like shit the next day but if you can't control them tears, go ahead!

I've recently had the privilege of getting to know my friends a little more. My closest friends to be particular. They taught me again, what a friendship should be like. How concerned and sincere one should sound. And for that, I am truly grateful. These few days have been trying and to have these people supporting me, is my greatest strength.

To fall and to stand back up again is not an easy feat but when you have so many people being there for you, all you need to ask is for some assistance and you'll be back on your feet in no time.
I once thought that I should be stronger and not trouble people with my worries, but I've learnt that a true friend would listen. No matter how minuscule or mundane they may be,

I may not be someone famous or pretty but I sure am loved by a bunch of people I hold dearly. Quality not quantity :)

Oh meanwhile, I've decided to read finish a pile of books left in my room.
I've just finished 'Norwegian Wood' by Haruki Murakami.
What'd you think about it? :)



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