Saving a stranger from a weirdo and... TROPFEST

So, my friend sent me this picture and told me to write about it. Basically, what this suggests, is that we should save strangers from being "attacked" by weirdos.

Whenever I go to clubs with my friends, we look out for each other. I don't mean just clubs, but basically anywhere else. So long as I am with a bunch of good friends. And when we are approached by strangers, we become extra cautious. More cautious when that guy seems weird and clearly, your friend feels spooked out. So what do you do? The obvious answer is to instantly save your friend out from that situation! Either by randomly going to her to dance with her or just pull to you. That simple. Some guys or girls just get the idea right away, some however, require more obvious ways of rejection.

If you're a good friend and have been looking out for each other, I bet you know what I mean.

So what if you are strangers.

You do the same. Save someone from that awkward situation. I would more or less do it, especially if I see another female in desperate need of help. Just look at that girl's face, and her face clearly states "SAVE ME" to you, just save her. Act like you haven't seen her in awhile! And just drag her away for a conversation. Who knows? You might just end up being best friends, and talk about an epic night of how you two met.

I can imagine all this happening actually xD
Might be something off How I Met Your Mother or Two Broke Girls. Gawd. I miss watching TV series.

Them feels when you look back and laugh at their memes xD

But anyway, this doesn't apply to females only. I think some men have been approached by crazy females. But usually, guys can get themselves out, or, they just enjoy the attention. If they look at you for help, probably he finds you attractive ;) Just sayin'

Point is,
to save them strangers from awkward people xD Just Do It!

On a side note,
for those of you in Penang, are you attending Tropfest SEA 2015 Festival?

Basically, it's a short film festival whereby people send their work to the website and the best of the best will be chosen to compete in the finals. I went last year and was really impressed by the work shown. I wanted the film 'Chicken' to win but it didn't happen :(

If you have any questions, check out their website at

Details are as such
Venue : Esplanade, Penang.
Date    : 2nd February 2015 (Sunday)

Time   : 4.30pm to 11.30pm

Advice : Get your beach mat and some snacks to go with the shows. Bring your best friend and some drinks. Also, arrive early if you want a good seat.

Best part of it by the way, is that it is FREE.


Good Night :P

Tasha G Lim


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