170714 - Being Yourself

The problem with me is that I'm impulsive.
Now, I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not but really, that IS me.

The time now is 3.05AM and here I am, blogging, ranting LOL.

Oh god.
So I realize that not all humans are perfect and this line is becoming so very cliche, really.
Do you know the amount of people using this exact same line as an excuse to break-ups or quarrels or fights?
"I'm sorry baby but you know, I'm only human."

YES You are only human but that doesn't give you a reason to be an asshole or a narcissistic bitch or anything else. Rather, because You are human, you have a responsibility to be the best you can be, For Your Sake and not for anyone else.
Okay, that's a lie. You do have a 10% responsibility to be a good child for your parents' sake because they sure as hell did not spend all that money on your education just so you could be a dumb kid or a man stuck in prison.
Again, I am not condemning anyone here. I am merely stating facts.

I work, all sorts of jobs but my main income right now, is being a Barista.
Oh trust me, the job is fun and exciting but it also gives you ample time to study humans.
Humans that are either working with you or needing your service as a waiter to help them enjoy their meals.

Anyway, I realize that there are way too many people who are trying to be someone else. Look, I GET IT.You want to be famous, who doesn't? Granted, there are people who want nothing to do with fame. But the point is, you don't sell your body to become famous. I don't know. I just don't believe that people should fake who they are just to be famous. I'm not talking about anyone specifically. I am talking about a group of people specifically. I bet everyone has a friend that always wants to win in every conversation - have the last say or always wanting to show off their connections.
Remember, there is a fine line between being genuinely friendly and just plain show-off; being smart and just being a pain in the ass; being polite and being really really fake.

LOOK. Stop trying to be somebody else. You're already perfect the way you are. I know a few people personally that have changed a lot since I last met them. Granted, they are more famous now but their personalities have since rotten. Is that who you really want to be? Hurting the people that once meant the world to you? Leaving the people who first pulled you back up when you fell?

Stop being someone you aren't.
There is always room for improvement but there is no room for negativeness.

I encourage everyone to be polite to each other but that doesn't mean you are fake. Like I said, there is a fine line between the two. You have to figure out where to draw the line.

Secondly, there's this issue in my head regarding technology.
I know I've always been a dumbass at technology but I cannot, CANNOT seem to post pictures on Blogger as much as I've tried. Can someone help? LOL.
As in, directly from my laptop.

I think I can finally go to sleep.
Well, I do have something to rant about.
I shall continue XD

so there's also this issue whereby people are trying so hard to blend in. NOOO. Don't do that!

Only do things that you are comfortable with and that you think is right. There is no point trying for something that you aren't even sure of. Things like smoking, shisha, clubbing or sex is NOT a necessity in life. For goodness sake, I've been to the States, it's not always what you see in the movies okay? :)
I'm not trying to be lame but I guess I just want to remind some people out there that it is OKAY to be different. Different is not a bad thing. Calling you unique would be cliche but hey, we're all not meant for the same future. Each of us have our own purposes in life so that means we go through different things too.
Sometimes it's the differences that make you stronger; it's the differences that define you and it's also those very differences that will determine who you will be in the future.

If you are ever strong enough to stick by your true principles in life, especially in the 21st century, well then, I call you a survivor my friend.

Kudos to you.



Tasha G Lim


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